Artikel auf Deutsch lesen Get out and about: 5 tips for the winter 25. November 2022Lesedauer: 3 Min. Good mood, red cheeks: Winter walks in the fresh air. Get more exercise, spend more time in nature, these resolutions can be ideally combined. True, tobogganing on hills covered with freshly fallen snow is the ultimate way for a family to have fun in the winter, but: What if there is no snow? Exactly! That’s why we have listed five outdoor activities for the Berlin winter. 1. Winter walk through the Tiergarten park to the Siegessäule monument The large Tiergarten park is the place for long walks at any time of the year. It’s easy to get to and you can adapt your route to the mood of petulant children who are reluctant to walk. And if you want to, you can climb to the top of the Siegessäule (Adult entrance: 3 euros). The steep stairs do your cardio-vascular system the world of good and, on arriving at the top, you are rewarded with a great view across the city. More info: 2. Explore the Teufelsberg Even though Berlin is not known for its Alpine landscape, it nevertheless has mountains. A very special one is the “devil’s mountain”, the Teufelsberg, in Berlin’s Grunewald forest. At 120m high, it is Berlin’s highest mountain. The large spherical radomes, which were used for espionage when the city was still divided, can be clearly seen from afar. Anyone who wants to explore the former communications intercept station on their own pays 5 euros, or 10 euros with a camera. Extra tip: The view of Berlin from the neighbouring mountain is also great and there’s no entrance charge. More info: With its numerous graffiti, the Teufelsberg is now known as Berlin’s highest street art gallery. 3. Floating sauna raft on the River Havel It’s great to spend time in the sauna with only your friends and family. It’s even more fun to spend time with only your friends and family in a sauna on the water. This is made possible by the floating sauna raft on the River Havel. Up to seven friends can enjoy the sauna together. More info: Rest and relaxation in the sauna on the Havel Way. 4. A winter walk in the Südgelände nature park The former railway marshalling yard in Berlin-Tempelhof is now the Südgelände nature park. Plants and animals have reclaimed the site. The natural landscape is wild and overgrown like a jungle and there are old railway relics and graffiti art to discover. More info: Primeval forest atmosphere, old railway infrastructure and a steam locomotive in 18 hectares of parkland. 5. Ice skating The ice rinks are the outdoor swimming pools of the Berlin winter. Almost every district has one. This is where families meet friends and singles go on their first date. Especially when they are skating beginners. You can burn off energy at speed or skate a few leisurely rounds and then enjoy a pleasant glühwein and energetic chat. Don’t forget to wear thick socks to protect you from the cold and pain. Many ice rinks offer reduced rates, so don’t forget student passes or similar eligible ID. Ice skating fun for young and old at the Friedrichshagener ice beach. Wintertips für das GEWOBAG Magazin „Raus aus dem Haus“ – Wintertip: Schlittschuhlaufen am Eisstrand Friedrichshagen EISSPORTHALLE CHARLOTTENBURG Glockenturmstr. 14, 14053 Berlin until 15/3/2020 More info: ERIKA-HESS-EISSTADION WEDDING, Müllerstraße 185, 13353 Berlin until 24/3/2020 More info: Photos © Felix Seyfert | Photo schwimmendes Saunafloß © Dirk Engelhardt
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